Claiming Worthless Stock Losses on Your 2023 Tax Return: A Complete Guide

QTA Consultants, Ltd./Renata Bliumaite

Claiming Worthless Stock Losses on Your 2023 Tax Return: A Complete Guide

Discover how to obtain tax relief for worthless stock on your 2023 return, including strategies to maximize deductions and ensure compliance with IRS guidelines.

Understanding Worthlessness of Stock

Learn the critical steps to claim a capital loss deduction for worthless stock on your tax return. Timing and documentation are crucial factors in establishing the stock's worthlessness.

Establishing Worthlessness

To claim a deduction, demonstrate that the stock had value in the prior year and became worthless due to an identifiable event. A mere decline in market value isn't sufficient; the stock must have no recognizable value.

Tax Treatment of Worthless Stock

Worthless stock is treated as sold for zero on the last day of the tax year, allowing you to claim a capital loss. Determine if the loss is short-term or long-term based on the holding period.

Claiming the Loss

File for the deduction in the tax year the stock becomes worthless, even if sold for a nominal amount in subsequent years. Consider amending prior returns if the stock's worthlessness is determined later.

Avoiding Pitfalls

Sell potentially worthless stock to trigger a loss before year-end, but avoid sales to related parties to prevent loss disallowance. Keep detailed records to substantiate your deduction in case of IRS scrutiny.


Claiming a deduction for worthless stock on your 2023 tax return provides relief by offsetting capital gains and reducing taxable income. Follow these guidelines to ensure compliance and maximize your tax savings effectively.