Understanding the Latest IRS Updates on Employee Retention Credits (ERC)

QTA Consultants, Ltd./Renata Bliumaite

Understanding the Latest IRS Updates on Employee Retention Credits (ERC)

In Oak Brook, IL, the IRS is intensifying efforts to ensure accurate Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims. Here’s a breakdown of the recent developments:

IRS Takes Action Against Dubious ERC Claims

Recently, the IRS announced it's sending over 20,000 letters to taxpayers regarding disallowed ERC claims. This move aims to curb improper payments to entities that either didn’t exist or lacked paid employees during the eligibility period.

Enhanced Compliance Efforts and Programs

As part of its expanded compliance strategy, the IRS is offering withdrawal and voluntary disclosure programs. These initiatives allow taxpayers to rectify inaccurate claims voluntarily, avoiding potential penalties or further IRS actions.

ERC Eligibility and Benefits

The ERC is designed to support businesses that continued paying employees during the COVID-19 pandemic despite operational suspensions or revenue declines. It offers refundable tax credits based on qualified wages.

Focus Areas for Disallowed Claims

Two primary issues identified include:

  1. Entities not in existence during the eligibility period specified by law.

  2. Entities that did not pay qualified wages to employees.

Protecting Taxpayer Rights

Taxpayers receiving disallowance letters can respond with supporting documentation or file an administrative appeal if they disagree with the IRS decision. This process helps prevent incorrect refunds and saves IRS resources by addressing issues before audits.

Special Withdrawal Option

There’s still time for eligible employers to withdraw pending ERC claims. This option is particularly beneficial for those who may have been misled or pressured by misleading marketing tactics related to the ERC.

Caution Against Misleading Marketing

The IRS urges Oak Brook residents to exercise caution amid aggressive marketing campaigns promoting ERC claims. It's essential to consult with a trusted tax professional to ensure compliance with ERC requirements.

More Information and Resources

For detailed ERC eligibility guidelines and FAQs, visit the IRS website. Stay informed and protect your business from potential ERC pitfalls.