Maximizing Your Medical Expense Deductions: A Guide for 2023

QTA Consultants, Ltd./Renata Bliumaite

Maximizing Your Medical Expense Deductions: A Guide for 2023

For the tax year 2023, taxpayers have a unique opportunity to deduct unreimbursed medical expenses under a reduced threshold of 7.5% of adjusted gross income (AGI). This favorable threshold, set to potentially revert to 10% in 2024, presents a strategic advantage to lower taxable income by claiming eligible medical costs. Here’s how you can leverage this opportunity to maximize your deductions.

Strategic Approach

To capitalize on the reduced threshold for medical expense deductions, it’s essential to review and compile all eligible expenses incurred throughout 2023. Beyond routine medical bills, consider less obvious expenses that can contribute to exceeding the deduction threshold. For instance, expenses related to COVID-19 treatment, legal abortions, acupuncture, and alcoholism treatment are among the deductible items that may not immediately come to mind but can significantly impact your tax liability.

Top 20 Unusual Medical Expenses

Here’s a comprehensive list of less common but deductible medical expenses derived from IRS Publication 502, "Medical and Dental Expenses":

  1. Abortion:

    Deduct expenses for legal abortions.

  2. Acupuncture:

    Include fees paid for acupuncture treatments.

  3. Alcoholism Treatment:

    Deduct costs for inpatient treatment, including meals and lodging.

  4. Artificial Teeth:

    Write off expenses for artificial teeth.

  5. Birth Control Pills:

    Deduct expenses for prescribed birth control pills.

  6. Breast Pumps and Supplies:

    Deduct costs for breast pumps and related supplies.

  7. Chiropractor:

    Include fees paid for chiropractic services.

  8. Contact Lenses:

    Deduct expenses for medically necessary contact lenses and related materials.

  9. Fertility Enhancement:

    Deduct costs for procedures such as in vitro fertilization.

  10. Lead-Based Paint Removal:

    Include costs to remove lead-based paint from surfaces to prevent child lead poisoning.

  11. Legal Fees:

    Deduct necessary legal fees related to mental health treatment.

  12. Medical Conferences:

    Deduct travel and admission costs for medical conferences related to chronic illnesses.

  13. Oxygen:

    Include expenses for oxygen and related equipment.

  14. Pregnancy Test Kits:

    Deduct expenses for pregnancy test kits.

  15. Psychiatric Care:

    Deduct fees paid for psychiatric care.

  16. Stop-Smoking Programs:

    Deduct costs for programs designed to quit smoking (excluding over-the-counter drugs).

  17. Telephone Equipment:

    Include costs for special telephone equipment for communication disabilities.

  18. Transplants:

    Deduct medical care expenses related to organ transplants.

  19. Vasectomy:

    Include expenses for a vasectomy.

  20. Wig:

    Deduct costs for wigs advised by a physician due to hair loss from disease.


Navigating medical expense deductions can be complex, but with careful planning and documentation, taxpayers can benefit from significant tax savings in 2023. As the deduction threshold remains favorable at 7.5% of AGI, take advantage of every eligible expense to lower your taxable income and potentially increase your refund. Consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance with IRS guidelines and optimize your deductions effectively.